
Logo Matrouz
Intertwining Languages of Living Song - Creation from Judeo-Arab Tradition

Theatrical Matrouz   Musical Matrouz   The Poetic Story-Telling


Intertwining Musics and Languages

At the crossroads of the sacred and the secular, the Matrouz of Simon Elbaz is inspired by the poetic tradition judeo-moroccan and ties up to the mood of The Golden Age of Andalusia in a hebrew, moslim, christian cultural melting pot to bring about a rich cultural dialogue.
The Matrouz renewed by Simon Elbaz in such an artistic style is built up from a way of composing, intertwining on the one hand languages: hebrew, arabic, french, latin, judeo-spanish... and on the other hand musics: oriental, judeo-maghreban, arab-andalusian, medieval…
Brought to the front of the stage, this contempory creation includes the Musical,Theatral, Poetical and Story–Telling Matrouz.